Arjuna and Krishna Chariot Painting |
An Essential Path to Wisdom
"I'm utterly confused as to what is my duty. I'm asking you to help me, not to just tell me to go out and fight. I beg you to tell me what I should do. I am your pupil; be my teacher, my guru. I take refuge in you and surrender to you. Please instruct me, beloved Krishna, show me the way" (Hawley 12).
Union with Divinity
As somebody who does not worship any religion or beliefs, reading The Bhagavad Gita gave me a new profound perspective of yoga. I've taken a physical yoga class here at Cosumnes River College before, but we never learned the background of how it became or how it evolves you as a person spiritually.
"When the mind become still and quiet, the Self reveals itself. At these depths one experiences the joy and peace of complete fulfillment" (Hawley 60).
I've learned the practices of meditation and relaxation, and in these moments I feel so alive, so powerful like the world is mine, as if I could achieve whatever I wish. "In this supreme state you desire nothing else whatsoever and cannot be shaken by any calamity. To be in this mental state is to know the real meaning of yoga (union with God)" (Hawley 60). I learned that yogi is not only just seen within ones self, but within everything around you, all creation.
Book Cover The Bhagavad Gita |
Knowledge is Sacred
"It's sole purpose it to lead humanity from the darkness of ignorance to enlightenment, from the perishable world of nature to the imperishable world of spirit" (Hawley 165).
This story teaches you that the more you learn and evolve your knowledge, the more freedom and happiness you will find around you. Treating yourself and the environment with more knowledge will leave a feeling of contempt within your body, soul, and state of mind.
Work Cited
Hawley, Jack. The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners. New World Library, 2011.
“The Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutra.” Youtube, Yoga International, 15 Aug. 2013,
Valley, Painting. “Welcome to the Online Museum of Illustration Arts. Feel Free to Explore!”, Public License, 2020,